Reload The Trapstar!

rihI have never been really hard into streetwear but this brand is amazing its just different and it goes in Hard all the way. I never really got into it really until i started looking at the items around when I went to this Event in East London called RESET which was amazing which was like an event where you could buy the hottest of all streetwear Gear from Nike to Vintage Eye wear & Designers. When I arrived at RESET which was months ago but I thought I would blog about it, I looked at this T shirt and thought should I get it ? I viewed it twice and ended up getting it because I loved it. This Brand Is.....

The T shirt i bought was well cute I really wanted the jumper version but it was quite out of my price range for that day lol :) which sucks but I plan to get it very soon. The brand has become very popular recently and I am more than enough excited they are building a store which in process in Notting Hill By Portabello Market which will be cool the brand is very cool and it deserves all the recognition it gets and did i mention Rihannna wore one of there jumpers which is sold out by the way Womp :).

Check out there stuff they do loads of things Hats,Sweaters & More they have a cool blog too.

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