Walt Disney's Tron Legacy Review

Ok so I just got in my house I cant breathe just after watching Tron at the cinemas. I know its been out for ages but I only just watched it today I haven't even seen Harry Potter Sigh* but Tron was amazing. I wont give all the story away but the way it just started the reviews are right its like falling into an Ipad and the graphics & the soundtrack by Daft Punk. The movie was just amazing literally it holds you up in suspense and the tension is nail biting. You know when you watch some films and there's always a long session throughout a film where its just like ZzZzZzZ, well this film isn't nothing like that its just fierce and futuristic at the same time and not many films can do that unless they do Shopaholic in the future of space HA! but I noticed America's Next Top Model Finalist Yaya DaCosta she looks amazing she plays a siren in the Tron movie I am so proud to see her in more films as I have always been a Fan of Yaya DaCosta she is just stunning everyone. I wont give much more away with the film except everybody should just go and see it because its the most amazing thing ever.

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