New Things + Ebay + Instagram

Ok so I haven’t blogged since late July/ August I always say I want to blog more but then I am just lazy so I blog when I can. You know when you see so many things you feel inspired by but you want to write about it but then you don’t do it. So I thought let me just finally blog as I’m in bed doing nothing. This summer has been crazy I literally did certain things, which I would never do. I performed at Summer Rites Festival on the SOS Stage for Jim War Boy, which was amazing. I have never ever performed on a big stage like that in my life so it was an amazing experience to be put in. So at least now I can say I have performed live on a stage. It was so a cool song called Catwalking the video will be below.

It now feels weird finishing university. I feel like what do I do now? Do I want to do something with my degree? Do I want to travel? Do I even want to stay in London? There are so much questions I ask my self each day it feels weird it being September and not getting my student loan or not getting up early for lectures. I hate getting up late in the afternoon or just being up early hours of the morning, but because I don’t have university its like fuck it! Ill have a break but seriously I feel like time is going so fast and I need to make a career choice soon its fucked up though!


I am major excited I have been having some lessons Dj’n and I will be Dj’n at the next SOS @ East Bloc on Saturday 20th October. I will post more details on that when I know more Js

EBay Sale

Ok so tonight I am putting some shit up on Ebay finally I have way to many clothes, way too much shit that I wore once and I don’t like it anymore so I will be putting things up on to Ebay tonight and I will put the link on my blog there will be some varsity jackets, Timberlands, Puma High-tops and more so check it out the link will be up later J


Plus everyone who knows me knows I am an Instagram addict so if you are on it follow a brothaaaa OKAY!!!

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