E V O L H E I S T Take Jewelery To A Whole New Level

E V O L H E I S T Is taking jewelery to a whole new level I remember when I first noticed the brand on Face book one day as I was browsing and I seen this beautiful leopard ring I had to have it because it was just too beautiful to not have. I waned to know who made such a beautiful ring and one thing I needed to have it I came across a beautiful girl named Madz who I messaged on Face book to esquire about the ring its major cute. Evol Heist is defiantly about edge, style & glamor they do so many different pieces from gun necklaces to pretty rings which can be suited for any occasion I think everyone should check out her stuff because its on a whole new level which is good and did I mention she is UK Based and does deliver as we all know sometimes some of the most amazing jewelery comes from the USA but she is really making her way through the UK Scene I have seen many people wearing her custom made rings and necklaces.

Check her stuff out here

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